Accountability coaching

We’re amazing when someone is watching
It’s just human nature. We’re more likely to get something done if we have to tell someone whether or not we did it. That’s usually enough to inspire action. And action rewires the brain; habit change.
Are you willing to be accountable?
You can set it up right now. This is exactly the time most people chicken out. But accountability will get you regular exercise, less screen time, better habits, or almost any behaviour change you desire.
How does it work?
Below, you promise a weekly action, e.g. jogging three times a week, cutting screen time by an hour a day, going sugar free, studying a language 40 minutes a day…
Next, you hit the subscribe button ($7/week) and now you have a coach.
You start on Monday and report by SMS Sunday night whether or not you took the actions. Yes or No. We send reminders and the odd message checking on your progress. Text us along the way if you get stuck.
Minimum period?
There’s no minimum. End it at any time by SMSing STOP and your name to 0409 908 133. Payments will stop the following week.

Who are the coaches?
Bret Treasure and Ben Raphael are trained coaches, living in Australia, who’ve helped hundreds of people meet their goals. They’re ethical, reliable, science-orientated and good listeners. You’re welcome to call Bret on 0409 908 133 with any questions.
So. Action?
You know that being accountable to someone else works. But you kid yourself you’ll get the same results doing it your own way. You won’t.