Behaviour change

Not hard. Not expensive. Let’s go.

I want to exercise regularly

I wish I could control my eating/drinking

I want to put time into building my business

I need some discipline to write my book

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. You can get that through behaviour science. You don’t need to be special; it works for everyone.

So now you have some questions:

  • The DIY solution or a coached solution?
  • Am I already clear on what I want from this?
  • Do I have a structure that supports me?
  • How am I going to maintain my motivation over time?

If I know something about your situation I can give you good advice on those choices. I don’t charge anything for that service.

One thing we know from behaviour science. Action is what counts, not intentions. And something we know from neuroscience: motivation is fleeting. A second-by-second proposition. If you don’t call me straight away, you never will.

And if I can’t take the call, leave a message saying when you’re available.

– bret

Behaviour change

About the coach

Bret Treasure is the co-founder of the behaviour change app, Stake Something and the author of the book Staking: The New Brain Hack. He’s a coach, motivational speaker and a lover of behaviour science.