Entirely up to you. Use behaviour science to step up your motivation or stay exactly where you are.

Do nothing

Look. You probably have a desire to change something in your life. But frequently, you want a different result without changing anything. It’s common to imagine you’re going to fail and to stick with what’s familiar. The status quo. It might not be the right time to change. Have a think about it.

Baby steps

We’re amazing when we think someone is watching. In this case, you’ve started and you’ve got a structure. Once you’ve spelled out your weekly commitment, you report the results by SMS to your coach. Simple as that. Suddenly you feel accountable. For some people, that’s all it takes to build a habit. So get a mentor.

Lasting change

The problem of how to self-motivate has been largely solved. Behaviour science research shows that we’re loss averse, sensitive to money, and biased towards benefits in the present. It also shows we can use structure, accountability and tactics to establish new patterns. Instantly and reliably. If you want to be among the first people in the world to apply this science, do the course.